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Multiple Locations to Serve You
Andrew Procell2020-09-18T04:40:52-04:00Categories: HVAC, Maintenance|Tags: HVAC, hvac maintenance, hvac maintenance plan|
For a certain amount every month or year, an HVAC maintenance plan can give customers discounts, priority service and much more! If you have a company whose HVAC services you use often, ask them about their maintenance plan and see
Andrew Procell2020-04-02T19:14:35-04:00Categories: HVAC, Maintenance|Tags: HVAC, hvac maintenance, spring cleaning, Spring HVAC maintenance|
If you’re one of the many Americans staying home and social distancing (which you should be), now might be a good time to start preparing your HVAC system from the Spring! Here are some tips from the pros at Freedom
Andrew Procell2020-03-20T03:16:21-04:00Categories: HVAC|Tags: humidifier, humidity, HVAC, whole home humidifier|
If you live in a particularly dry climate, it’s probably difficult to find ways to regulate humidity. The best humidity level for your home is between 30 and 50% - you don’t want something more or less than that. This
Andrew Procell2020-02-13T22:10:28-04:00Categories: HVAC, Thermostats|Tags: HVAC, nest thermostat, smart thermostats, thermostat|
Whenever you purchase a new HVAC system, you get a warranty that can cover specific repairs and replacement of certain components or equipment. It can be very helpful to have just in case your system starts having issues in the
Andrew Procell2020-01-24T03:26:58-04:00Categories: Furnace, HVAC|Tags: common furnace problems, furnace, heating, heating system|
Your furnace is one of the highest energy-consuming appliances in your home which is why it’s so important to maintain it and take care of it. However, like all other appliances, your furnace isn’t perfect and can run into some
Andrew Procell2020-01-10T02:36:41-04:00Categories: HVAC, Thermostats|Tags: programmable thermostat, smart thermostats, thermostat|
Do you want to find creative ways to reduce your HVAC unit’s energy consumption? Do you want to be able to control your home’s temperature more efficiently? Do you just want to change up how you operate your unit? You
Andrew Procell2019-12-21T03:22:44-04:00Categories: HVAC, Maintenance, Thermostats|Tags: air conditioner, heater, HVAC, HVAC upgrades, maintenance|
As we get closer to the new year, it’s time to start thinking about making resolutions, changes and upgrades to our lives. Many homeowners choose to wait till the new year to add significant upgrades to their HVAC systems.
Andrew Procell2019-10-31T11:31:19-04:00Categories: HVAC, Insultation|Tags: check for air leaks, DIY air leak test, indoor air leak|
An air leak might not seem like a big problem at first—but if you keep on ignoring it, it will waste energy and increase your heating and cooling bills. Finding and sealing an air leak is an easy way to
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