How To’s

As a homeowner, you want to make sure that your home is running smoothly at all times. Keeping up with HVAC and plumbing maintenance can be a daunting task, especially for those who aren’t familiar with what to do. But fear not, dear Floridians! Our blog posts are here to help you out with plenty of DIY tips that will keep your home in top-notch shape. Whether it’s fixing a leaky faucet or inspecting your HVAC system, our expert team of home contractors is here to guide you every step of the way. So, don’t hesitate to check out our blog posts for the latest updates on HVAC and plumbing DIY tips for all your home needs!

  • Top 5 Air Conditioning Tips To Help You Save Money This Summer Keeping cool this summer shouldn’t come at the expense of high energy bills. You can use your air conditioner this summer without breaking the bank. Here are 5 air conditioning tips to help you save money this summer! Cover Your Windows If the […]

  • How To Know When It’s Time To Repair or Replace Your AC Unit? Your AC unit is a big investment – and one that is absolutely necessary in a climate like we have here in Cocoa, FL. While modern air conditioners are designed to last many years, there comes a time when a repair or […]

  • How To Stay Warm While Waiting on Furnace Repairs? If your furnace has broken down, and you aren’t able to get it repaired right away, you might feel desperate for ways to stay warm this winter. Keep in mind that one of the best ways to prevent furnace breakdowns is to schedule maintenance at the […]

  • How To Babyproof Your Bathroom In 5 Easy Steps September is Baby Safety Month. Is your baby getting to that point where their curious fingers are starting to explore things around the house? Your bathroom has a lot of exciting things for babies and toddlers to get into. Cupboards that bang when you close them, […]

  • Summer Plumbing: Top 6 Plumbing Tips To Get You Through The Summer School’s out for the summer and wedding season is upon us! This means your house is likely full of kids and out-of-town guests – more so than usual. With the increase of traffic in and out of your house, your plumbing will surely […]

  • Top 4 Signs You Have A Hidden Leak And What To Do About It Have you ever heard the saying “out-of-sight, out-of-mind?” However, when it comes to leaks in your home, this can be a dangerous mindset to follow! Hidden leaks are exactly that: hidden. So how do you go about spotting a leak you […]

  • Top 6 HVAC Tasks To Include On Your Spring Cleaning Checklist When spring cleaning this year, don’t forget about one very important thing: your HVAC system. Your heating and cooling unit is usually out of sight, out of mind – until something happens to it that sends you into a panic. There’s nothing like being […]

  • How To Prevent Poor Indoor Air Quality From Ruining Your Valentine’s Day Love should be the only thing in the air this Valentine’s Day! While polluted indoor air is never a good thing, having it on a day like Valentine’s Day can be a true mood killer. As you begin to make plans for your […]

  • Top 5 Ways Homeowners Can Prepare Their HVAC Unit For Winter In Cocoa, FL and surrounding areas, homeowners could experience chilly and breezy winters. While winters are often short, that doesn’t mean you don’t still need to prepare your home for the upcoming weather. Here are top 5 ways homeowners can prepare your HVAC unit […]

  • How To Improve Indoor Air Quality In Your Home This Fall Fall is in the air – and not just because of pumpkin spice lattes and fresh apple cider. Your indoor air quality can be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor air, according to the EPA. Here are some tips and tricks to improving […]

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