3 Plants to Help Your Home’s IAQ

3 Plants to Help Your Home’s IAQ

Published On: May 22nd, 20202.9 min readViews: 0Categories: Indoor Air QualityTags: , , ,

Americans already spend a great deal of time indoors, but with the current social distancing orders in place they’re spending even more time inside. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your indoor air quality (IAQ) is healthy. There are several ways you can ensure this, but one of the most interesting ways is using certain types of plants. Yes, you read correctly! Certain plants are considered good choices for better indoor air quality, as they can remove carbon dioxide from air. If you’re interested in learning about which ones, keep reading. Here are some plants that can help your home’s IAQ, brought to you by the pros at Freedom Air and Heat!

Before We Start: Are Plants Entirely Reliable?

While many sources have fun blogs about which plants are great for indoor air quality, it’s important to look at the facts and the research. The Environmental Protection Agency states that the research for plants bettering indoor air quality is not entirely well established. In fact, by having more plants in your home, the moisture content of your indoor air might increase because of the soil from these plants. Moisture and humidity can attract allergens like dust mites and mold spores. However, if you cover the soil with some rocks and stones and keep this important information in mind, you can have all the fun you want looking for plants that will benefit you and your home.

Plants That Are Good for Indoor Air Quality

Here are some plants that might be good for your indoor air quality:

  • Spider Plant

If you are a new plant owner and are looking for a more resilient plant, consider the spider plant. Not only is it a beautiful plant that can really add to the aesthetic of your home, but it can remove carbon monoxide too. It also doesn’t do harm to any animals, which means it is safe to have around your pets.

  • Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a great plant to have, not only because it can soothe burns and is great for skin care and digestive health, but it can be good for your indoor air quality. The Aloe Vera plant can remove toxins like benzene, which is found in varnishes, detergents, formaldehyde, hair treatments and synthetic wood.

  • Chrysanthemums

If you would rather get flowers to add some color to your living space, consider getting chrysanthemums. Not only will these sunlight-loving plants look beautiful in your living room or kitchen, they can reduce benzene and ammonia quantities, the latter of which is found in household products like window cleaners, furniture polish and drain cleaners.

More Reliable Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

While plants can be fun, it’s important not to entirely rely on them to better your indoor air quality. Here are some tried and true techniques that you should put your trust in.

  • Ventilate your home; open your windows occasionally and use exhaust fans often.
  • Reduce moisture; wipe down sinks and shower areas after use, tackle any water leaks and consider getting a dehumidifier if you live in a humid climate.
  • Vacuum, dust and clean your home every week or so.
  • Reduce pet dander by grooming your pet and by washing their toys and furniture frequently.
  • Vacuum and wipe down your vent grilles often.

Want more tips on improving your indoor air quality? Contact Freedom Air and Heat! Call us today at 321-631-6886 or schedule a service online.

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