Ways to Eliminate Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

Ways to Eliminate Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

Published On: October 3rd, 20193.5 min readViews: 0Categories: Energy EfficiencyTags: , , ,

Eliminate Hot and Cold Spots in Your Home

Have you ever entered a room in your home and felt uncomfortable and sweaty, then gone into another room and felt the temperature drop? If you have noticed significant room-to-room temperature changes, you might be dealing with hot and cold spots in your home. Hot and cold spots are usually indicative of inadequate air flow throughout your home and can be frustrating to deal with. However, don’t convince yourself that this is just how things are, because there are some effective ways to eliminate hot and cold spots in your home. Let the pros at Freedom Air and Heat Inc. tell you how!

  1. Unblock Vents and Registers

The vents and registers are vital parts of your HVAC system. The return vents take in air for heating or air conditioning and supply vents blow out filtered air into your home. If these vents are blocked by things like carpets, rugs and furniture, be sure to unblock them—blocked vents can significantly disrupt the air flow and temperature in your home. Blocking vents can force your unit to work harder and use more energy to produce filtered and conditioned air.

  1. Tackle Any Air Leaks

Air leaks can negatively impact your HVAC unit’s ability to perform. Air leaks can force your HVAC unit to work harder to reach the temperature set on your thermostat. This can lead to a spike in heating and cooling costs in addition to hot and cold spots throughout your home due to unconditioned, outdoor air making its way inside. To prevent this start sealing up your home. Here are some places in your home that you should be sure to seal up and insulate:

  • Attic and Attic Door

The attic is the highest place in your home, which means air has the highest chance of escaping from there. Make sure your attic is well-insulated. In addition, make sure the door to the attic is well-sealed. You can do this by using an attic stair cover, which resembles a tent made of foil. It can be placed right behind the attic door and has a zipper for easier access.

  • Ducts

The ducts that transfer air throughout your home can develop gaps and cracks causing air leaks. Unconditioned air can make its way inside your home, causing harm to you as well as your HVAC unit. In addition, leaky ducts can add hundreds of dollars to your heating and cooling bills. Get your ducts inspected for any air leaks by an HVAC technician you trust, as ducts are usually located in difficult spots that might make it dangerous for you to reach.

  • Doors and Windows

Gaps and cracks around your doors and windows can also cause air leaks. Use proper weatherstripping to seal up your doors and windows and add caulking to any visible cracks.

  1. Prevent Exposure to Sunlight

You might be dealing with hot and cold spots simply because sunlight tends to hit each room in your home a little differently. You can prevent exposure to direct sunlight by tinting your windows, putting up shades and blinds or darker curtains that can block sunlight.

  1. Leave Interior Doors Opened

Lastly, be sure to leave your interior doors open when your HVAC unit is running. You may have heard the myth that it is best to close the doors to rooms that are being used, so your HVAC system does not have to cool or heat them. This might sound good in theory, but it does not work in practice. By closing interior doors, you might be creating low- and high-pressure spots throughout your home and disrupting your air flow. So, leave your interior doors open, even if it’s just a crack.

Learn More from the Pros at Freedom Air and Heat, Inc.!

We hope this list of ways to eliminate hot and cold spots in your home was informative and helpful. If you have more questions about maintaining a consistent air flow and temperature throughout your home, get in touch with the pros at Freedom Air and Heat, Inc.! Call us today at 321-631-6886 or schedule an appointment online!

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