6 Freaky Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

6 Freaky Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

Published On: October 7th, 20223.4 min readViews: 0Categories: Plumbing

plumbing, plumber, plumbing noises, plumbing sounds, plumbing horrors, freaky plumbing noises, freaky plumbing sounds, plumbers

6 Freaky Plumbing Noises You Should Never Ignore

It’s spooky season, and with all the haunted houses and scary movies, you might already be on edge. There’s nothing like freaky plumbing noises to really send you into a panic, though – especially if you have no idea where they’re coming from and what’s causing them. Here are the 6 freaky plumbing noises you shouldn’t ignore, what they mean, and what actions to take to resolve them.

1. Humming Pipes

Are you hearing humming noises in your pipes? This can be quite troublesome, but try not to worry. Humming can be a result of a number of things. For one, it could be due to abnormally high water pressure which could leave your pipes vibrating – especially if your water is running. Secondly, it could be due to your motor running but not pumping water. Regardless, you should contact a plumber if you notice humming.

2. Rattling or Banging Pipes

There’s nothing like rattling and banging to scare you away from your own home! Usually, this noise is referred to as “water hammer” and often means you have a blocked vent pipe. Water hammer is a serious problem that should be addressed quickly by a professional. If not dealt with, it could cause erosion and damage to the pipes, valves and fittings. Not only that, but it could even cause your pipes to burst. Your plumber may find this isn’t the cause after all, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Sometimes, your pipes may rattle or bang if there’s been a sudden change in water pressure or if there’s a loose component somewhere in your plumbing.

3. Squealing Pipes

Don’t worry – there’s not a ghost lurking through your home! Squealing pipes are often a result of water flowing from a large pipe into a smaller one. Usually, your plumber is able to fix this by adjusting the pressure valve or replacing the worn washer or valve entirely.

4. Gurgling Toilet

No, there’s not some scary creature in your home. Most likely, your pipes are letting you know there’s a serious clogging issue that needs your attention. Usually, if you hear this noise coming from your toilet, it’s due to a backed-up or clogged sewer line or lines that have cracks in them. This is something that will require the tools and expertise from a professional, as often times these clogs are deep down in your system that can’t be done yourself.

5. Whistling Shower

No one wants to take a shower when they hear whistling coming from the bathroom! But rest assured, the only spooky thing about a whistling shower is that there’s unwanted buildup in your pipes that need to be addressed. If your showerhead pipes are clogged and water can’t get through the pipe, it will cause this whistling noise. You will want to clean your showerhead and get rid of this unwanted sediment buildup. To avoid this issue in the future, consider installing a water softener.

6. Hissing Fixtures

While it’s not a black cat, hissing fixtures can still feel pretty unlucky. If you notice hissing coming from a water fixture in your home, then it most likely means your water pressure is too high. Usually, this is a pretty easy fix – but not one you want to let go for too long. This can not only lead to high water bills, but it can also cause stress to your pipes over time and reduce their lifespan. If you notice hissing fixtures, make sure to take care of it right away.

Contact Freedom Air and Plumbing For All Your Plumbing Needs in Cocoa, FL and Surrounding Areas!

At Freedom Air in Cocoa, FL, your comfort is our number one priority. The pros at Freedom Air & Plumbing are here for all your plumbing needs – whether you need a repair, maintenance, replacement or installation. Our technicians are licensed, certified, and experienced. To schedule your appointment today, call us at 321-631-6886  or fill out our online form here so a team member can be in touch with you soon.

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