When Should I Call an HVAC Technician?

When Should I Call an HVAC Technician?

Published On: August 24th, 20183.1 min readViews: 0Categories: HVACTags: ,

when should I call an hvac technician

Most of us aren’t home repair experts by any stretch of the imagination, so when something seems like it’s going wrong, our first call is to an experienced technician who will hopefully come save the day. And while whatever issue you’re experiencing will certainly get fixed, you might have to pay a pretty penny to do so.

Since we’re all in the business of saving as much money as possible, we sometimes choose to ignore a problem in the hopes that it’s nothing major. After all, if you pay to have a technician come to your home, only for them to tell you it’s nothing to worry about, you feel like you wasted your money, right?

It’s like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place: risk spending money for a pointless visit, or hope the problem you noticed in your home doesn’t turn out to be anything too dangerous. Not a great choice to make, is it? To help you at least get a better idea of when you should put in the call, Freedom Air & Heat has a simple checklist to go through first.

When you’ve decided it’s time to give a professional a call, don’t look any further than Freedom Air & Heat! We’re Cocoa’s trusted service provider, and we’ll be glad to help you out.

First, Check the Basics

Before you make a dash to the computer to google your home’s problem – and way before you even consider picking up the phone to call someone – take a stroll around the house and double-check some basic things to make sure the answer isn’t something as simple as flipping the breaker switch or replacing a filter.

You’d be surprised at how many problems could be solved with something as simple as that! If they don’t fix it, though, you might need to go get the phone after all.

When You Should Make the Call

On the other hand, any time you spot (or otherwise notice) these types of indicators, it’s probably a good idea to give a professional a call. For the most part, these types of factors aren’t things that an average homeowner would have the tools and knowledge to fix by themselves, and trying to do so could actually end up being worse for the home in the long run.

  • If your AC system simply isn’t working, no matter what you do, you should go ahead and pick up the phone. That’s a fairly general sign that something is wrong and needs to be fixed, assuming all else is operating normally.
  • Loud, weird noises are not great. Sometimes AC units will rattle and make other sounds as they kick on, but you should be able to tell pretty easily if the noise is unusual.
  • Should the AC not be cooling the air to the temperature you’ve set it to, a technician’s touch might be in order.
  • Another time to call your HVAC technician is when the time for your unit’s annual inspection and tune-up rolls around. Routine maintenance pays dividends and will extend the life of your HVAC unit while maximizing efficiency, so don’t neglect to have that done at least once a year.

Resisting the impulse to call a professional technician is hard, but sometimes it isn’t warranted. If you’ve inspected your home and have determined that you do think you need an expert’s help, though, give Freedom Air & Heat a call at 321-631-6886 to have one of our licensed and knowledgeable technicians come take a look!

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