Preparing Your Home’s HVAC Unit for the New Year

Preparing Your Home’s HVAC Unit for the New Year

Published On: December 28th, 20182.7 min readViews: 0Categories: Energy EfficiencyTags: , , ,

New Year’s resolutions are notorious for not lasting very long. We decide to go to the gym or start eating right, but that lasts for just a little while before we’re back to our old habits. While that may be the case for certain resolutions, the ones for your HVAC unit can last all year if you take care of them early!

To help get your HVAC unit ready for the new year, the folks at Freedom Air & Heat have taken the time to compile a list of easy resolutions. Make note of them and you’ll be cozy and comfortable all year long!

Adjust Your Thermostat

Although the temperatures might be dropping, you can save a decent amount of money on your energy bill by lowering the thermostat a few degrees. It seems counter-intuitive since you’d rather stay warm when it gets cold outside, but if you bundle up then it should be alright.

Adjusting the thermostat even 2 or 3 degrees lower than normal will add up every month, and you’ll save a sizable amount of money when the bill comes in the mail.

Pay Attention to Your Filter-Replacement Schedule

Remembering to change your HVAC filter is a task that tends to fall by the wayside fairly often. With the busy schedules we all have, something as forgettable as changing a filter isn’t usually at the top of our lists.

But this year, be sure to stay on top of it! You should aim to change your HVAC filter once a month. If you leave it in too long, your air quality will suffer along with your HVAC unit’s efficiency. Check to see what your filter’s rating is and double-check to make sure you’re purchasing one with the same rating.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

The easiest way to get your HVAC unit prepared for the new year is, conveniently, the one that requires the least effort from you. Just pick up the phone and give your local HVAC experts – like the ones at Freedom Air & Heat – a call!

An expert’s trained eye will see the problems and deficiencies that most people can’t spot. That will save you money in the long run by helping you avoid catastrophic repairs well before they happen, and they’ll help optimize your unit’s efficiency for the year to come.

Study Up!

If you’ve already taken care of those other tasks, then the best thing you can do is to research everything you can about your HVAC unit. Knowledge is the best tool you can have, and if you’re well-versed in how your unit operates, you can get a better of idea of how it works and how to keep it running.

Whether you just need an expert’s opinion about a problem you’re having or if you’re in the market for a total HVAC replacement, Freedom Air is here for you! Our technicians are reliable and armed with the tools and tips to help make your new year a comfortable one!

Give us a call at 321-631-6886 for more information!

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